Inspire Me: Lights, Camera, Action!

Code: X-94361

Weather Forecast Fun!
Year 1 at Abbey Infant School are showcasing their geography and science knowledge by filming themselves giving weather forecasts for the UK.

Using the outdoor UK map, children have demonstrated their speaking in articulate sentences as they describe the weather across the regions of the UK.

“This is such a great way of demonstrating what has been learnt in our topic, without the trial of yet more writing!” - Miss Sohal ,Y1
“I loved being a weather presenter. I made us have storms and lightning!”  - Anraj
“I learned the names of places across the UK so I could say where it would be sunny and where it would rain.” - Liam
“The best bit was watching the films of our weather forecasts. They were funny but good because we looked like grown-ups against the map!” - Kirpal

 No rain will stop filming at Abbey Infants!

This fantastic idea can be used with any map! Click here to see our full range.

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