Questions as Welsh 9 Yard Signs - Set 2

Code: X-66200

Encourage children to start a conversation with these 9 speech bubble shape yards signs. Brightly coloured panels with a different question on each.

Available as a complete set or individual panels. Tough fade and weather resistant, completely waterproof. Available in 3 sizes (size of each panel varies by design)

Set Comprises:

Pa tymhor yw hi?

Beth sydd yn dy achysgyl pensil?

Sut gyrhaeddwyd ti i'r ysgol y bore 'ma?

Beth yw'r amser?

Beth yw eich hoff wers?

Pa ddosbarth wyt ti ynddo?

Beth wyt ti'n gwisgo?

Pa gemau wyt ti'n hoffi chwarae?

Pa ddiwrnod yw hi heddiw?

What season is it?

What is in your pencil case?

How did you get to school this morning?

What time is it?

What is your favourite lesson?

What class are you in?

What are you wearing?

What games do you like to play?

What day is it today?

Medium each approx. 30cm wide £12 each or £99/set of 9 
(Save £9)
Large each approx. 40cm wide £21 each or £179/set of 9 
(Save £14)
Jumbo each approx. 50cm wide £29 each or £241/set of 9 
(Save £20)

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